November 29, 2009

atomi opened its door on 27th Nov, finally! Thank you those who visited us in the past 3 days for the support and encouragement. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused due to lack of experience on our side and noise and smell from renovations around us. We will continue to do our very best.

It's been totally a new experience for my husband and myself, but we are definetely enjoyning every minute of it. It's very rewarding to get to talk to people who visit us, and get to know them. We are looking forward for the whole mall to be open soon, so that people who visit us can enjoy the whole shopping experience at the Mandarin Gallery.
We are planning on having a few interviews and photo shoots for media next week, so we will keep you posted on any new developments :)
私たちのお店が入っているMandarin Gallery、まだまだオープンしていないお店がかなりあるのですが、その分ゆったりとお買物していただけるかと思います。もう少し本格的にオープンしましたら、Mandarin Gallery内のおススメのお店などもご紹介していきたいと思っていますので、お楽しみに!

November 20, 2009

The interview and photo shoot went smoothly!

We had an interview and photo shoots for a Japanese travel guide this morning, and it went well. I am a fan of the guide book, and buy it whenever I travel overseas to find out where to get good food or must-visit places. So it'd be great if we could be featured. I was amazed that a reporter and a photographer personally came down to Singapore for 9 days to update the guide book yearly. I used to think it was updated locally.

Hopefully we will be featured, and will keep you posted :)

It's raining everyday nowadays, so please keep warm and take care! Have a wonderful weekend :)


November 19, 2009

First Magazine Coverage!

It was a long day today at a shop, preparing for an interview with Japanese travel guide book tomorrow. They are coming down from Japan to shoot photos for next year's travel guide book, and we were one of the lucky ones to be chosen in the Mandarin Gallery (hopefully, not just because there are not that many shops ready at the moment...!).

Because majority of the units around our shops are still under renovation at this moment (!), it is dusty, smelly, and noisy all at the same time. After spending almost 10 hours there, we were just ready to go home for a nice shower.

But then we remembered one of the magazines we met last month mentioned that they were featuring us in Dec issue. So we decided to stop by at a gas station to pick up the magazine.

And here is the copy of the coverage!!!! Yes, it's CLEO! We were really happy to see this, and now I feel I can work another 10 hours.

Wish us luck for the interview tomorrow... Good night!


掲載を見たとたん、一気に元気が回復しました 単純です



November 17, 2009

Japan Creative Centre

We made a trip to newly opened Japan Creative Centre on the Nassim Rd. It's located at an old colonial house, and the building is beautiful!

We were specially excited about the opening, as they are currently featuring Japanese designed items, which won Good Design Award ( Some of the goods we carry at atomi also won the award, and we were happy that those items were highlighted at the center.

We heard that their next exhibition will feature Japanese desginers, and we are excited about it, too.

16日にオープンしたばかりのJapan Creative Centerに行ってきました。場所は緑の多いNassin Rdの入り口のコロニアルな素敵な建物です。



Japan Creative Centerでの次の展示は日本のデザイナーとのこと。来年の2月~を予定しているそうですが、こちらも楽しみです!


November 14, 2009

First Post!

Thank you for visiting atomi's blog space.

atomi's concept is "Japanese designs x Comfortable lifestyle", and we carry products that are designed / produced in Japan, which help make our lives a little bit more enjoyable and comfortable. Please visit our website for more detailed information on atomi.

We are glad to know that our much delayed opening has been more or less confirmed for 27 Nov! We are very excited about it, and will update the opening schedule on this blog, too.

Now that our opening is almost 2 weeks away, we are busy with tidying up our shop space, making final arrangements etc etc. Next week, we will have a photo shoot for Japanese guide book, so that'll be exciting, too.

Ok, I shall keep it short, and will update soon!



atomiはシンガポールに来て7年の私がシンガポール人の主人とはじめるお店です。場所はマンダリンギャラリー(#04-27)で、Japanese designs x Comfortable lifestyleをコンセプトにしたお店です。日本で心をこめてデザイン/作製された、日々の生活を少し心豊かに過ごせるような商品を取り揃えてお待ちしています。ギフトにも、もちろんご自分用にも。詳しいお店の場所や商品についてはウェブサイトも是非ご覧ください(。






