May 5, 2010

Invitation to workshop_crochet

I would like to invite you to a workshop atomi is organizing. This time, "crochet".

We will be making a corsage, and you can choose one you would like to make out of 3 different types as attached (A : large corsage, B : hair> tie, C : small corsage).
We will use linen thread (the same as the white thread in the> attachment). There will be 2 colours to choose from, white or natural linen colour.

Even if you had never tried it before, all are welcome! You can> accessorize your bags, or even cloths for you or your children.

Date : 25 May, 2010, Tuesday

Time : 10am to noon

Venue : atomi (333a Orchard Road, #04-27 Mandarin Gallery)

Fee : $50 (inclusive of materials, please just bring a crochet needle, excluding ribbons)

Instructor : Emiko

Corsage : A : 7cm, B & C : 4~5cm

Note : it will be a small and cosy workshop, max 6 people

first come, first served basis

if you do not have a crochet needle, please let us know, we can prepare one for you with additional cost. It should be less than $5.00

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions at or 6887-4138.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

今回は「鈎針編み コサージュ」のワークショップを企画しました。




日時 : 2010年5月25日(火) 10時~12時ごろ

場所 : atomi333a Orchard Road, #04-27 Mandarin Gallery

参加費: $50 (材料費込み、かぎ針をお持ちください、リボンは含まれません)


備考 : 最大6名でのこじんまりとしたワークショップです。お申込は先着順となります。かぎ針をお持ちでない方は、事前にご連絡いただければ用意いたします。(実費を頂戴いたします)


お問合せは または 6887-4138までお気軽にお問合せください。



workshop_sewing & ikebana

Thank you for those who joined our workshops. I really hope you had fun. Here are some photos taken during the workshops.

In fact, I joined the sewing workshop myself, too, and made a corsage! It was a huge surprise for myself, as I had believed that I was no good at sewing since my school days. I had countless number of unfinished knitted stuff. But even to my surprise, I actually did enjoy it, a lot... It's really interesting to find new passion when you are a little older. I also hated PE classes during school, but now, I am religiously going to my weekly yoga class no matter how busy I am.

It's a great feeling to find something you somehow grow to like, even something you used to hate when you are younger. It's not a bad thing to grow older after all :) So if you regret not joining the workshop, look out for my new post! It's another invitation to a workshop.

Looking forward to seeing you.

