Today, I am happy to inform you that delicious teas from Japan had finally arrived.
Not only the usual Japanese green tea, but we also have lemon grass tea that is grown in Saga, Japan. The lemon grass tea is really fragrant, and is perfect as a refreshing drink after meals or if iced,it is wonderful to drink on a hot day.
The green tea is fragrant and tasty, too.
Especially, blended teas are the unique ones.
- lemon grass tea x yuzu (yuzu's mild fragrance is refreshing)
- brown tea x Japanese pear (you can taste slight sweetness of the pear)
- green tea x lemon grass tea (lemon grass's refreshing aroma blends with green tea very well)
- green tea x roasted soy bean (nutty flavour of the roasted soy bean goes well with Asian food)
The teas are grown organically, and they are 100% all natural without any flavourings or colourings, so you can truly enjoy the natural flavour of the tea. I sometimes find artificially flavoured teas too strong, so when I tried these teas for the first time, I fell in love with the "all-natural" concept and taste of the whole tea series, and that's how we decided to introduce the tea series at atomi.
As you can see, it comes with nice packaging, so it will make a great gift, too. In fact, the person who designed the packaging of the tea had won awards for good packaging in Japan.
We hope these tea will help you relax at the end of a busy day, or tostart a great day in the morning.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
・ レモングラスティー x ユズ(ユズのほのかな香りが新鮮です)
・ 和紅茶 x 梨(ほのかな自然な梨の甘さが楽しめます)
・ 釜炒緑茶 x レモングラスティー(レモングラスのすっきりとした香りが緑茶にマッチしています)
・ 釜炒緑茶 x ほうじ大豆(香ばしい大豆の香りが和食に合います)